The Conservative record in Dorset is one of rising Taxes and reduced services.
The Tory controlled County Council, although many of its members are well meaning, was ineffective and unable to resist the programme of cuts from the their colleagues in Government.
It has overseen cuts in NHS Services and Hospital Closures.
It has overseen cuts to funding for Schools.
It has cut the Services it provided to residents.
We now have fewer Police Officers thanks to funding cuts.
In 2019/20 Dorset will get NO grant from central Government. Instead we will all be forced by the Conservative Government to REPAY £10 Million to the Treasury.
The new Dorset Council must stand up for the residents. Sadly, the Conservative controlled previous administrations have signally failed to do so.
Liberal Democrats have a strong history of fighting Conservative excesses, and holding them to account.
Vote Liberal Democrat on May 2nd.
Vote for a strong voice for Cranborne and Alderholt.
Vote for David Tooke